Academic training or technical skills are no longer the only important filters when entering the labor market. Today thesoft skills have gained ground and the hiring teams consider them as fundamental pillars, especially when it comes to management positions. Some of these skills are problem solving, organizational skills, adaptability, sociability, critical thinking and leadership.
When we hear the word “leader” it is common to associate it with senior positions within a company. This meaning is appropriate, since leaders often take responsibility for one or more groups of people. However, there is a wide range of qualities required for good leadership. This is how we can distinguish between good and bad leaders. So, to what extent can you become one or the other?
If you are interested in knowing what skills you need to exercise good leadership, at UIE we invite you to continue reading this article.

What does it take to be a good leader?
In times where everything is constantly changing, work dynamics are no exception. Being a leader is much more than having the power to make decisions or give orders in a team. That is, it requires people who are capable of uniting all the members of an organization, giving them a sense of belonging< /strong> and looking forjoint growth.
Although it may seem like a simple task, being a good leader is the result of continuous learning, where empathy and self-criticism will be your best allies. Likewise, a change of mentality is required where there is a tangible valuation of human capital. This is how we can better understand the difference between being a boss and being a leader. While the former exercises power from a position of hierarchical superiority, the latter approaches his team more horizontally to foster real commitment.
The importance of leadership in team management becomes evident for achieving objectives. Some of the characteristics or skills needed to develop good leadership are:
Effective communication
It is essential for a leader to be clear about the objectivesand be able to transmit them to the rest of his team. Faulty communication can lead to a delay in the proposed tasks or worse, non-compliance. In that sense, it costs less to schedule a meeting to explain the procedures to follow and clarify any doubts, instead of waiting for group members to take for granted what they should do.
Inspire confidence
Promoting fear in a company’s employees is a thing of the past. It is much more beneficial to inspire confidence, since great results and even novel ideas can be obtained from it. Being aware of the well-being of the people with whom you work will not only make them feel more motivated, but will generate greater involvement of the team with their objectives.
Team empowerment
A good leader knows how to delegate tasks in a timely manner. Although leaders must be able to provide the necessary tools, it is also essential that they allow the development of autonomy. Being excessively aware of every step a collaborator takes can cause them to doubt themselves and what they are doing.
Active listening
For a project to succeed, it is necessary that all team members feel it is theirs. However, this is impossible if those who make up a work group do not have the possibility or space to express their concerns and ideas. In this way, the more listened to a collaborator feels in a company, the greater their commitment will be to it and to the tasks they are performing.
Tips for leading a team
Below, we indicate some tips that you should take into account when chairing a work team:
- Pay attention to your team members and try to resolve all their questions.
- Be empathetic and always take people’s feelings into account before expressing yourself.
- Act with optimism and share it with others. This way you will create a pleasant work atmosphere that everyone will want to be a part of.
- Celebrate victories on behalf of the entire group and not on a personal basis. Remember that nothing would be possible without the cooperation of each member of your team.
If you are interested in training as a leader, at UIE we have designed a university model that is committed to the development of leadership and encourages teamwork. During your training, you will share classrooms with students from different specialties and this will allow you to obtain feedback on diverse approaches. In addition, you will learn from active professionals in their sectors so that you can exploit your potential based on the needs of the current market.