Regulations and
Within the framework of UIE’s commitment to quality and transparency, the following is the documentation related to the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) as well as the regulations and information of interest that affect UIE’s official degrees.
Commit to the uiEvolution.
The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) includes all those processes that UIE has for monitoring and improving the quality of its degrees.
The implementation of the IQAS allows obtaining relevant information about the university’s degrees. Subsequently, this information is analyzed in order to establish improvements aimed at increasing the quality of the training provided.
Information and data for each title
UIE, a University with a purpose
UIE Accreditation
The Universidad Intercontinental de la Empresa (UIE) based in the Autonomous Community of Galicia, is a university institution that has been accredited by the Law 12/2021, on July, 15th, from the Galician Parliement.
The Universidad Intercontinental de la Empresa has its administrative headquarters in Santiago de Compostela and encompasses two academic campuses, at A Coruña and Vigo, which operate as a networked intercampus system.
Programs leading to the attainment of undergraduate and graduate university degrees,covering the fields of social sciences and law, and engineering and architecture, being respectively offered within the following academic structures: School of Business Administration and Law, School of Engineering and Business Technology, both with locations at both academic campuses.
The Internal Quality Assurance System extends to all centers of the Universidad Intercontinental de la Empresa and will be applied to all official programs offered. Its development and implementation will be carried out progressively following the authorization for the commencement of activities.